Best Settings For Csgo On Mac

Hello mac fellows For long time I was struggling with low fps and stuttering lag etc etc. I tried almost everything to make my gameplay better. I didnt find a good guid about this so I decide to make one to help those with the same problem. First of all I have a macbook pro early 2013 with i7 / Nvidia GeForce GT 650M.

My fps was very very unstable between 90 and 40. It was horrible! I read that bootcamp windows could help so I give it a shot.

I am resharing my thread on mac section. So hello guys, are you bored of getting low FPS on CS: GO on MAC? If you are, you are in a right place. CS:GO Best Settings Guide Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has a wide variety of options available that can customize the gaming experience to suit your own personal playstyle. This guide gathers an aggregate of values from our CS:GO Pro Settings and Gear list to give you a starting point to find the best settings for CS:GO. Free cs:go hack download for mac! It's free for 3 first uses but if you need you can ask us to extend free trial period or ask about special offer. Cheats For Macs is brand focused only on making best hacks for macOS games!

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It definitely improve my gameplay I got 120-90 fps but wasnt perfect. The stuttering was real and impossible to play (worst than play with mac) To fix the stuttering and lag I stoped using wireless connection and connect with cable (even though I have a strong connection) and lock my fps_max 90 My launch options are: -novid -nod3d9ex -threads 4 -high +rate 128000 +fps_max 91 Please let me know how your game improve Hope it can help you • • • • •.

I have the following command line options: -noborder -novideo -threads 4 -high -w 1680 -h 1050 Yet, CS:GO keeps resetting my settings and set itself to fullscreen mode, which is bad when I switch out for a second between rounds, because due to DirectX9 used, it takes like 20 seconds to get back in. Unless I force the size via command line, the window also resets back 1440x990. I need a no border fullscreen window, as indicated by my command line options. If I set it via the ingame options, it still resets after a few launches. But the command line should force it into those settings.

How can I fix this? AMD 965 Phenom II Black Edition AMD HD 7850 w/ Catalyst 13.12. Go into your CSGO/csgo/cfg/ and look for the config file and right click and enter it's properties. Make sure that the 'Read Only' option is not selected. If it is selected and the graphic options are designated in the config, then anytime you change them in the game, the game won't be able to write the new selections to the config because it is set to read only. That means every time you run the game again it is using the same old config settings to decide what options you want to use in the game.


Best Settings For Csgo On Bad Pc

Best mac for students. Once you turn off Read Only and the game can change your config file as it sees fit, anytime you set your options and hit apply, the game will change that setting accordingly in your config.cfg file and that should fix the problem. If this isn't the case and the config file is not set to Read Only then I am at a loss.